Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) Discussion Panel

Submitted by Jessica Jolly Director of Counseling
March 26, 2024 - 5:55 am

Please join Healthy St. Mary's Partnership's Violence, Injury & Trauma Action Team on Wednesday, March 27th, 2024 at 6:00 pm in the Glendening Annex to learn more about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), or traumatic experiences that occur during childhood, and the long-term impact they have on an individual’s mental, emotional, and physical health. Research shows that higher levels of ACEs in a person’s childhood are associated with increased risks for additional trauma and certain health issues in adulthood. Understanding and addressing the effects of ACEs can lead to early interventions and support for children and families who have experienced trauma. This panel of health professionals and community members will discuss strategies for prevention, intervention, and resilience-building in St. Mary’s County.

Please scan the QR code on the attached flyer to register or visit…

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